Customs Clearance for Import/Export
This section discusses procedures of importing and exporting by sea transport via Bangkok Port, for non-hazardous and unrefrigerated dry cargo shipped in a 20-foot Full Container Load (FCL). All steps are either taken by representatives (freight forwarders, shipping lines, customs brokers, and agents) or officials. Only fees charged by government agencies are shown - tariffs, duties, and costs associated with representatives are excluded.
Select your options
Submit documents into e-Customs
1. Submit required information on e-Customs system
- e - Manifest*
- e - Import
*At least 24 hrs prior to vessel arrival
* e - Manifest related documents
1. Vessel Schedule Message
2. Ship Agent Operators
3. Master Sea Cargo Manifest
4. Container List
2. Receive an automatic response
The system automatically processes and validates data entered. Then
- Issues Ship Arrival Report number;
- Issue Declaration and Payment Number;
- Specifies the Declaration Line.
Last updated 17 May 2015
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Customs Department: ONLINE CUSTOMS REGISTRATION | link |
Service System 3 Tax Department: Tax SSO | link |
Port and Terminal Handling
The procedures for vessel berthing and unloading are as follows:
Inward Containers Discharging
Containers are lifted off the vessel and stored in the terminal ' s marshalling yard and then transferred to the allocated transit shed by Container Terminal Management System (CTMS)
Port Clearance and Payment
- Obtain Cargo Delivery Order ("D/O") from the freight forwarder.- Submit D/O at the One Stop Service and make payment to receive:
- Receipt (Terminal charges and fees)
- Wharf Receipt
- Gate Ticket
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Port Authority of Thailand: econtainerservice | link |
Port Authority of Thailand: e-Service for Vessel Cargo Management System | link |
Customs Clearances
Customs Duty Payment
- Pay via e - Payment by submitting bank and account number into e - Customs
- Pay with cash or cashier cheque by referring to the Declaration and Payment number issued by e - Customs
Release of Container
Release of Cargo (Green Line)- The container is cleared without Customs interventionCargo Inspection
- The container must undergo physical inspection in order to be released.
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Port Authority of Thailand: Vessel Cargo Management System | link |
Inland Transportation
Enter Sub Gate In : Officials check and record
- Container number or the Gate Ticket's barcode
- Vehicle registration plate
Container is loaded onto the vehicle
Exit Sub Gate Out : Officials
- check the container's status in the system,- inspect the containers and the seal,- print the Container Slip and sign it for the driver
Exit Main Gate : Officials verify all documents and allow the driver to exit Port
Last updated 17 May 2015
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Port Authority of Thailand: Vessel Cargo Management System | link |
Select your options
Submit documents into e-Customs
2. The system issues 14-digits-number
The system automatically computes costs and notify a tax payment status for the following:- Skins of bovine (cattle and buffalo) used in leather production and tannery process
- Bamboo wood and coconut wood
3. Submit the Cargo Control Report into e - Customs- Wood veneer
4. The system issues the number for Cargo Control Report
5. Submit the Cargo Control Report at Bangkok Port
Note : This section discusses procedures of importing and exporting by sea transport via Bangkok Port, for non-hazardous and unrefrigerated dry cargo shipped in a 20-foot Full Container Load (FCL). All steps are either taken by representatives (freight forwarders, shipping lines, customs brokers, and agents) or officials. Only fees charged by government agencies are shown - tariffs, duties, and costs associated with representatives are excluded.
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Customs Department: ONLINE CUSTOMS REGISTRATION | link |
Service System 3 Tax Department: Tax SSO | link |
Customs Clearance and Port Handling
Request for passage
Submit a form to request passage through the Bangkok Port (Form Tor Kor Tor 308.2) at Main Gate at least 1 hour before the container arrives.

Release of Container
1. Enter Main Gate: Pay passage fee
2. Enter Sub Gate In: Officer weighs and examines the quality of the container. Officer the verifies all documents to issue Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR) and informs the driver of the storing location.
3. Customs Inspection
- Officer records the number of cargo control report and checks the systems.- Officer randomly inspects the container using X - Ray.
4. Unload Container at Marshalling Yard for pre-loading
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Port Authority of Thailand: Vessel Cargo Management System | link |
Loading Container
Freight forwarder or shipping line submit Container Loading List at least 3 hours prior to container loading.
Port Loads Containers onto Vessel
Officer verifies container details and plan for container loading.
Port Issues Container Loaded Report
- Officer issues Container Loading Report for freight forwarder or shipping line to confirm within 24 hours after the vessel unberths.- Officer charges fees and other costs.
Last updated 17 May 2015
Source :
Port Authority of Thailand: Vessel Cargo Management System | link |
Port Authority of Thailand : E-container Service | link |