FAQ - Company Establishment
1) The request for company registration (Form. Bor.Oor. Jor.) Please accees via this link : http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_boj1.pdf
2) Certificate of company registration http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_bj_certify.pdf
3) Memorandum of association (Form. Bor.Oor. Jor. 2), attached a 200-Baht-revenue-stamp http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_boj2.pdf
4) Details of company's purpose (Form Vor) http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_v.pdf
5) The transaction for registering the establishment (Form Bor.Oor.Jor 3) http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_boj3.pdf
6) Details of authorized director(Form Gor.) https://www.doe.go.th/prd/main/service/param/site/1/cat/17/sub/0/pull/category/view/list-text-photo
7) A copy of the Statutory Meeting report http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/from_meeting_new.pdf
8) A copy of company's regulation, attached a 200-Baht-revenue-stamp (If any) http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/from_meeting2_new.pdf
9) Form Sor.Sor.Chor.1 http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_ssch1.pdf
10) List of board's meeting signatory (Statutory's meeting) http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/list.pdf
11) List of shareholder's name (Form Bor.Oor.Jor 5) http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_boj5.pdf
12) A copy of a notice of the Statutory Meeting
13) Evidence of shares payment which issued to shareholders by Company Limited (Example) http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/sharepayment.pdf
14) A copy of registered committee ID or passport
15) A copy of evidence of authorized signatory (If any)
16) A power attorney (If any), attached 10-Baht-revenue-stamp http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/form_bj_powner.pdf
17) In the case request for company's establishment registration and request to register the memorandum within the same day shall provide the attachments of shareholder's meeting and reserving to buy all shares.
In case the foreign investment in company limited is 40% but not over than 50% of capital OR in case investment is lower than 40% of capital but (with) the foreigner is authorized signatory, all Thai shareholders must present the evidence of source of funds that shows the amount paid for shares which can be one of the following:
- Copy of bank-pass book or copy of bank statement from the last 6 months
- Bank certifying or showing financial position of shareholder or
- Copy of evidence showing the source of funds to pay the value of shares.
- All the forms have to fill (by typing) in Thai language only.
- For more details of the Business registration, please access the following link. http://www.dbd.go.th/index.php (Business Registration)
Case study:
Q :Inquiring about the activities for which 100% foreign ownership would be permitted as follows
1 Business & Management Consultancy- to assist local/Thai entrepreneurs establish business and SMEs to grow their business
2 Franchise Consultancy- to introduce franchise business to Thailand and assist local/Thai entrepreneurs/investors to acquire franchise business
3 International School- Establishment of International School
4 International Nursery- Establishment of International Nursery
5 Exhibitions and Events Organizing- organizing business (to promote business in/investment into Thailand) as well as cultural events (to promote tourism)
6 School Development Consultancy- a consultancy business focusing on Human Resources (HR) Development through assistance in developing schools in various economic sectors (education, hospitality, and culture/arts)
A :As above activities are considered as service business and they are in categories under LIST THREE in the Foreign Business Act B.E. 2542 (1999) soa foreign company who wish to run above business in Thailand has to get permission from Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce in order to do business legally by applying for a foreign business license under the section 17 to operate business.
However, in case if above activities get permission from BOI (Board of Investment) so they can apply for a foreign business certificate under the section 12 to operate business , in addition, some activities, such as, international school, has special Act that regulate activities so foreign company must follow that ACT in order to operate business.
An officer from related government agency provided information concerning business licenses and certificate as follows:
Business activity | % of Ownership | Licenses/Certificate |
1. Business & Management Consultancy 2. Franchise Consultancy
3. Exhibition and Event Organizing
4. School Development Consult | Foreigner can hold 100% of company's shares | Foreigner can hold 100% of company's shares STEP 1: Company Registration Company registration under Thai law with Department of Business Development (DBD), Ministry of Commerce, Please access http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/main.php?filename=index STEP 2: Apply for Foreign Business License An officer from Dept. of Business Development (DBD) stated that consultancy and event organizing business are categorized under List Three in the article (21) Other categories of service business except that prescribed in the ministerial regulations. Therefore, investors have to apply for a Foreign Business License under section 17 , Please access http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/more_news.php?cid=246 |
5. International School | 51% + of company's shares held by THAI Nationality | STEP 1: Company Registration Company registration under Thai law with Department of Business Development (DBD), Ministry of Commerce , Please access http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/main.php?filename=index STEP 2: Apply for License to establish School After company registration, investors have to apply for a license to establish a School with Ministry of Education. |
6. International Nursery | Foreigner can hold 100% of company's shares | STEP 1: Company Registration Company registration under Thai law with Department of Business Development (DBD), Ministry of Commerce, Please access http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/main.php?filename=index STEP 2: Apply for Foreign Business License An officer from Dept. of Business Development (DBD) stated that international nursery is categorized under List Three in the article (21) Other categories of service business except that prescribed in the ministerial regulations. Therefore, investors have to apply for a Foreign Business License under section 17, Please access http://www.dbd.go.th/dbdweb_en/more_news.php?cid=246 STEP 3: Apply for License to establish a Nursery After registered the company and obtain a Foreign Business License, investors have to apply for a license to establish a Nursery with Ministry of Social Development & Human Security of Thailand. |
- - If there is a change in a company's Juristic Entity Registration Number, a company has to process the following steps:
- Apply for a new username and password to access the e-Expert system.
- Request for a position to be added in a new BOI promotion certificate.
- Expel all employed foreigners and reappoint them to a company under this new Juristic Entity Registration Number. Information as of March 2014
If headquarter office is in Bangkok, investor can register a company at OSOS. Outside Bangkok, investor register at provincial DBD.
- Chiang Mai Industrial Work Provincial office
- Government Center 2nd floor, Chotana Road, Changpuek, Muang District, Chiang Mai 50300
- Telephone: 0-5311-2316-7
- Fax: 0-5311-2318
- E-mail: moi_chiangmai@industry.go.th
- Room 108-110 Airport Business Part building, 90 Mahidol Road, Hai Ya, Muang District, Chiang Mai 50100
- Telephone: (053)203397-400
- Fax: (053)203404
- E-mail: chmai@boi.go.th
- Website:http://chiangmai.boi.go.th/index.php/home
a.The signature in the request and the attachments, the person shall sign by him / herself.b.Passport and a copy of it.
(1)Administration Officer or Senior Police in the area of the person who requests.(2)Member of Thai BAR or(3)Other persons as notified by the central registrar are
-Certified Public Account
-Committee member or officer of the Thai chamber of commerce or provincial chamber of commerce who can certify the signature of persons who request for the registration of partnership / company with the head office located in the province that the Chamber is located according to the notification of the Central Partnership Registration Office.
In case of signing in foreign countries
(1)Authorized officer of the Thai embassy or consulate, or head of the office under the Minister of Commerce responsible for the operations in any country or other officers authorized to perform on behalf of such above mentioned person
(2)Person who can completely certify according to the law of that country and
(3)2 Reliable persons who can certify in front of the registrar that the signature is such person's signature.
For more information and see the attached file for example, please access this link (in Thai)http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/intro_step_bj_change_05.pdf
The username and password can be sign up at DBD website (www.dbd.go.th) was suggested. However, all of the detail for sign up an account has to fill in Thai. After you get a username and password, now investor can reserve a company's name via internet. Please remind that the online company's name reservation is only available in Thailand and in Thai language. Therefore, he the Thai staff to do this was need needed.
After the reserved name has approved and register a company within 30 days otherwise, the company's name will no longer valid.
Kindly see the attached file for a process and require documents which need to prepare for the company registration.
For more information access: https://ereg.dbd.go.th/InterRsvWeb/memberpages/login.xhtml
- As the documents for the company registration are to be complete in Thai, therefore, to bring some Thai staff for assistance is suggested. Alternatively, there are DBD officers to assist in complete the documents OSOS in BKK (Cham churi Square Building 18th floor)., afterward you can submit the form in regional DBD 0ffice.OSOS director invites you to visit We have the you.
- Memorandum of Association and company registration can be register in the same day and there is a sample in Thai only . For the example of the company establishment and memorandum of association, please access: http://www.dbd.go.th/mainsite/fileadmin/downloads/03_boj/sample_boj4.pdf
Meaning of "business warehouse"
(1) Certificate of Registrar of company partners show directors or authorized Committee registered capital, head office address of the company(2) Copies of memorandum(3) A copy of the company right and regulation(4) A registered shareholder(5) A contract for storage in a warehouse receipt and goods Parthian(6) Copy of the regulations or conditions of the company about business warehouse (if any)(7) Documents showing ownership in the warehouse.By notifying the warehouse location, size limit, as well as the resume name and qualifications of Directors and Auditors7. If the company is importing goods to sell in Thailand(or alien entities.) Must follow formalities of customs regulations.
The online service of the Department of Business Development is available in Thai version only, via http://www.dbd.go.th/index.php

1. การสมัครสมาชิก กรมพัฒนาธุรกิจการค้า ไม่ต้องเสียค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆ ทั้งสิ้นผู้ขอสมัครสมาชิกซึงต่อไปนี้จะเรียกว่า ผู้สมัคร และ กรมพัฒนาธุรกิจการค้า กระทรวงพาณิชย์ ซึ่งต่อไปนี้จะ เรียกว่า กรมพัฒนาธุรกิจการค้า กรุณาอ่านข้อความตกลงด้านล่างนี้โดยละเอียดเพื่อรักษาสิทธิประโยชน์ในการเป็นสมาชิกของท่านเงื่อนไข
The information required is about :-
- Minimum level of Investment capital of not less than one million baht (excluding of cost of land and working capital)·
- The ratio of debt to equity should not exceed three to one for a newly established project, meaning that the Registered capital of the new project should not be less than 25% of total investment capital. Expansion projects are considered on a case-by-case basis·
- Total amount of Registered capital has to be paid up within the date of full-operation start up