On December 11, 2024, Mrs. Cherdchan Arunrat, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center from the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI) welcomed a delegation from the International College of Mahidol University, in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University, to attend a lecture on the overview of investment promotion under the Board of Investment (BOI).

11 December 2024 | Print
     On December 11, 2024, Mrs. Cherdchan Arunrat, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center from the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), warmly welcomed a delegation from the International College of Mahidol University, in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University. The delegation, consisting of 42 international students, attended a lecture on the overview of investment promotion under the Board of Investment (BOI).
     In this regard, Mrs. Cherdchan Arunrat gave a presentation on the role of the Office, providing information on policies, basic rights and benefits for investment promotion under the BOI, the investment-friendly environment in Thailand, relevant agencies for business establishment, and additional measures.


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