13 November 2020 – Miss Sakonpan Niampradit, Investment Promotion Officer, Senior Professional Level, and Mr. Athiphat Sanguansang, Investment Promotion Officer, attended a meeting with delegates of ‘Thai-China Business Developers Program’ from Krirk University, led by Mr. Nakrish Wanaintrayut, at OSOS. The delegates were presented with information on OSOS’s services, utilities of ‘Single Window for Visa and Work Permit’ system, and BOI’s special scheme for SMEs.
13 November 2020 – Miss Sakonpan Niampradit, Investment Promotion Officer, Senior Professional Level, and Mr. Athiphat Sanguansang, attended a meeting with delegates of ‘Thai-China Business Developers Program’ from Krirk University.
13 November 2020 |