27 February 2020 – Mr. Worakan Kosolpisitkul, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center (OSOS), Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), and Mr. Athiphat Sanguansang, Investment Promotion Officer, attended a meeting with delegates of ‘Professional Business Consulting for Enterprise Development Thailand (PBC.)’ project arranged by ‘Small and Medium Enterprise Counselor Networks (SMECN)’ Association, led by Mr. Nakrish Wanaintrayut, Executive Director of Center of Business Counselling, at OSOS. The representatives were presented with information on BOI’s incentive scheme, investment promotion policies for SMEs, special investment promotion and SMART VISA application.
27 February 2020 – Mr. Worakan Kosolpisitkul, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center (OSOS), and Mr. Athiphat Sanguansang, attended a meeting with delegates of ‘Small and Medium Enterprise Counselor Networks (SMECN)’ Association.
27 February 2020 |