29 November 2019 – Mr. Worakan Kosolpisitkul, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center (OSOS), Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), with Miss Napachara Intaroek, Mr. Kittikun Wathanakul and Mr. Wanchat Kannasombat, representatives of Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), attended a meeting with delegates of Lao PDR’s government agencies, led by Mr. Jean-Paul Gaultier, at OSOS. The representatives were presented with information on BOI’s incentive scheme, special economic zone (SEZ) policy, regulations involving Eastern Economic Corridor and roles of IEAT on Thailand’s investment blueprint.
29 November 2019 – Mr. Worakan Kosolpisitkul, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center (OSOS), Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), with Miss Napachara Intaroek, Mr. Kittikun Wathanakul, and Mr. Wanchat Kannasombat, representatives of Industrial Es
29 November 2019 |