29 August 2019 - Mr. Chokedee Kaewsang, Deputy Secretary General, Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), Miss Aree Ngamsiripattanagul, Consul (Investment Promotion), Thailand Board of Investment, Shanghai Office and Mr. Kornpong Suthattakul, Investment Promotion Officer, Professional Level, attended a meeting with Chinese investors, led by Mr. Cong Sufeng (Vice Chairman of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Jiangsu Sub-council) from Jiangsu province at OSOS. The investors were presented with information on BOI investment promotion and government policies.
29 August 201929 August 2019 – Mr. Chokedee Kaewsang, Deputy Secretary General, Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), Miss Aree Ngamsiripattanagul, Consul (Investment Promotion), Thailand Board of Investment, Shanghai Office, and Mr. Kornpong Suthattakul, I
29 August 2019 |