คำถามที่พบบ่อย - การส่งออกเศษโลหะจากประเทศไทยไปญี่ปุ่น
Since the purchasing is solely for the purpose of export back to Japan, the said export business is not under the supervision of FBA (Foreign Business Act), and it will not be affected by the FBA.
The business can be operated by a foreign company which has no Thai shareholding, and it will not fall under FBA, and it will not be affected by it.
- I understand, it should not care for sales activities such as "wholesale” and "retail” activities, as they are basically the subjects of restriction by the act.
- The company currently has its liaison office in Bangkok, the function of which will be integrated into the Thai subsidiary when the subsidiary is established. Will this be possible in relation to the FBA?
The company’s business may not be related to retail or wholesale, since it will solely exports metal (ferrous) waste. According to the explanation of the officer of the foreign business administration bureau, the business will be related to retail or wholesale when there is re-import or purchase from others to sell in Thailand, and if it is in this case, then the business will fall under FBA.
In case a face-to-face meeting is definitely required, I will have the company arrange to send a personnel of its liaison office in Bangkok to the office of the department in charge.
The direct authority to be responsible for all these inquiries’ matters is Department of Business Development. The address and map to access to the department is as attached.