On December 18, 2024,Mrs. Cherdchan Arunrat, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center from the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), welcomed a delegation of Bhutanese investors from the YUNUS Center AIT to participate in a briefing on the policies, rights, and basic benefits of applying for investment promotion from the BOI.

18 December 2024 | Print
     On December 18, 2024, Mrs. Cherdchan Arunrat, Director of One Start One Stop Investment Center from the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), welcomed a delegation from Bhutan\'s YUNUS Center AIT, consisting of 21 Bhutanese investors. The delegation participated in a briefing on the investment promotion process under the Board of Investment (BOI).
     During the session, Mrs. Cherdchan Arunrat provided an overview of the BOI\'s role and responsibilities, sharing information about the policies, rights, and basic benefits of applying for investment promotion from the BOI. She also highlighted the favorable investment environment in Thailand and introduced the various agencies involved in establishing a business in the country.


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